{ "currentVersion": 11.2, "cimVersion": "3.2.0", "id": 83, "name": "Value of health, ecosystem, and materials damage avoided due to particulate matter [PM10] removed by tree cover ($/yr)", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "This map estimates the dollar value associated with annual damage to health, ecosystems, and materials that may be avoided due to particulate matter [PM10] removed by trees in each census block group. For specific information about each community, consult their individual metadata records: \nAustin, TX - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BDA8C85C8-1508-405C-AC06-3A7B6CC183A8%7D; \nBirmingham, AL - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Bfdcb57f7-315c-4efc-b768-13e44ec0dc8c%7D; \nBaltimore, MD - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Ba97c9c19-afc4-4ad9-b6c8-189798795bd3%7D; \nBrownsville, TX - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B1acb757c-74ba-4681-920d-cfc70c6c0a1d%7D; \nChicago, IL - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Bbf4fcd23-f25d-4eaf-8c4e-a93b7e913a12%7D; \nCleveland, OH - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B8d7f7fae-4e14-4da8-a903-73ebbfef83e5%7D; \nDes Moines, IA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BB834A03C-90AF-4333-910E-D1165033D0E8%7D; \nDurham, NC - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BAA3CA642-7493-4391-BD8E-D361EC9F5D2D%7D; \nFresno, CA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BA101F058-B7A7-4E0C-85D7-B0ACCC5B0D90%7D; \nGreen Bay, WI - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B88838E57-BACF-459B-AB5D-0465A637CA09%7D; \nLos Angeles, CA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Bfa12ed2c-24dd-45e2-83aa-5f5d01d95e9c%7D; \nMinneapolis/St. Paul, MN - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B344cacad-db43-49d0-8704-236f39b6adbf%7D; \nMemphis, TN - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BE1D73F82-A206-4AF7-9658-A1CFFD6154EC%7D; \nMilwaukee, WI - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BEE017535-9D3C-43E7-89B1-AE908F209B64%7D; \nNew Bedford, MA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B2370BB5A-1E9D-4505-9E67-6285DE5630BD%7D; \nNew Haven, CT - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Bdda504d7-4c92-4456-bd47-9314759d415f%7D; \nNew York, NY - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B66D59A4F-9117-42AB-8723-2B4C207E64AE%7D; \nPhiladelphia, PA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Bc96e1215-567c-4b46-bd0a-2c05eff355c1%7D; \nPhoenix, AZ - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B8A0904B6-E3D6-4B77-8E42-5D2067C0B7F9%7D; \nPittsburgh, PA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BE937396D-EF92-4382-8818-D6316D5A1D0B%7D; \nPortland, ME - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B3F033504-FBE1-4CAE-A67A-762662B37130%7D; \nPaterson, NJ - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B63EEA9A8-985E-4EFC-BE7C-B7785DB41BE0%7D; \nPortland, OR - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B86E01454-7AE9-4FE9-BE50-24D7D9E4330C%7D; \nSalt Lake City, UT - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B5f42bc4d-27f6-4d46-9305-73fa0ad733e6%7D; \nSonoma County, CA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Ba6056198-43dc-4d8c-86a8-2bb49781c50b%7D; \nSt. Louis, MO - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B5096ea51-01e2-42fe-a808-85ab0e57498c%7D; \nTampa, FL - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BDD093AC0-9827-446C-A2A7-0D22BC39DD4D%7D; \nVirginia Beach/Williamsburg, VA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Beab1bf2c-216a-48db-aadf-bf86b4c74e9a%7D; Washington, DC - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Bea617eb5-4ce8-4300-9849-a95131d0f3f4%7D; \nWoodbine, IA - https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B65C2EF79-BEDB-4021-8D93-BD162E06FF7A%7D.", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "copyrightText": "EnviroAtlas", "parentLayer": { "id": 1, "name": "Metrics by Census Block Group" }, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "classBreaks", "authoringInfo": { "type": "classedColor", "colorRamp": { "type": "multipart", "colorRamps": 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"esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in median load of copper (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "TSSmean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean load of total suspended solids [TSS] (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "BODmean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean biochemical oxygen demand [BOD5] (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "CODmean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean chemical oxygen demand [COD] (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "TPmean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean load of total phosphorus (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "SolPmean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean load of soluble phosphorus (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "TKNmean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean load of total Kjeldahl nitrogen [TKN] (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "NO23mean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean load of nitrites and nitrates (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "Cumean", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Reduction in mean load of copper (kg/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "MTCSTOR", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Total carbon stored (mt)", "domain": null }, { "name": "MTCSEQ", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Total carbon sequestered (mt/yr)", "domain": null }, { "name": "MFor_P", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent tree cover", "domain": null }, { "name": "Imp_P", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent impervious area", "domain": null }, { "name": "Green_P", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent green space", "domain": null }, { "name": "Ag_P", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent agriculture", "domain": null }, { "name": "Wet_P", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent wetlands", "domain": null }, { "name": "MFor_PC", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Tree cover per 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"Residential population within 300m of busy roadway", "domain": null }, { "name": "Buff_Pct", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent of residential population within 300m of busy roadway", "domain": null }, { "name": "Lane_PctSB", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent of busy roadway bordered by > 25 percent tree buffer", "domain": null }, { "name": "Lane_PctIB", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent of busy roadway bordered by < 25 percent tree buffer", "domain": null }, { "name": "IWDP_Pop", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Residential population within 500m of a park entrance", "domain": null }, { "name": "BWDP_Pop", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Residential population not within 500m of a park entrance", "domain": null }, { "name": "IWDP_Pct", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "Percent of residential population within 500m of a park entrance", "domain": null }, { "name": "BWDP_Pct", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": 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