{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Park_Prox_AllCommunities", "guid": "A86035B4-CCE6-4180-B2D2-B1D09208678C", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "EnviroAtlas Estimated Walking Distance to a Park Entrance (m)", "description": "Full Metadata<\/A> This EnviroAtlas dataset shows the approximate walking distance from a park entrance at any given location within the EnviroAtlas community boundary. The zones are estimated in 1/4 km intervals up to 1km then in 1km intervals up to 5km. Park entrances were included in this analysis if they were within 5km of the community boundary. For specific information about methods used to develop data for each community, consult their individual metadata records: Austin, TX<\/A>; Birmingham, AL<\/A>; Baltimore, MD<\/A>; Brownsville, TX<\/A>; Cleveland, OH<\/A>; Des Moines, IA<\/A>; Durham, NC<\/A>; Fresno, CA<\/A>; Green Bay, WI<\/A>; Los Angeles, CA<\/A>; Memphis, TN<\/A>; Milwaukee, WI<\/A>; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN<\/A>; New Bedford, MA<\/A>; New Haven, CT<\/A>; New York, NY<\/A>; Phoenix, AZ<\/A>; Pittsburgh, PA<\/A>; Portland, ME<\/A>; Paterson, NJ<\/A>; Portland, OR<\/A>; Salt Lake City, UT<\/A>; St. Louis, MO<\/A>; Tampa, FL<\/A>; Washington, DC<\/A>; and Woodbine, IA<\/A>.", "summary": "EnviroAtlas Estimated Walking Distance to a Park Entrance (m)", "title": "EnviroAtlas Estimated Walking Distance to a Park Entrance", "tags": [ "EnviroAtlas", "parks", "walking distance", "recreation" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "http://localhost.RTNCCAD.EPA.GOV:6080/arcgis/services/Supplemental/Park_Prox_AllCommunities/MapServer", "extent": [ [ -123.533548499046, 25.8373813196329 ], [ -70.0869483573979, 45.8101825011554 ] ], "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "EnviroAtlas", "licenseInfo": "" }