{ "currentVersion": 11.2, "cimVersion": "3.2.0", "serviceDescription": "Full Metadata<\/A> This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas (https://www.epa.gov/enviroatlas). This map estimates the percent tree cover within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters. It is not summarized by census block group. For specific information about methods used to develop data for each community, consult their individual metadata records: Austin, TX<\/A>; Birmingham, AL<\/A>; Baltimore, MD<\/A>; Brownsville, TX<\/A>; Chicago, IL<\/A>; Cleveland, OH<\/A>; Des Moines, IA<\/A>; Durham, NC<\/A>; Fresno, CA<\/A>; Green Bay, WI<\/A>; Los Angeles, CA<\/A>; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN<\/A>; Memphis, TN<\/A>; Milwaukee, WI<\/A>; New Bedford, MA<\/A>; New Haven, CT<\/A>; New York, NY<\/A>; Philadelphia, PA<\/A>; Phoenix, AZ<\/A>; Pittsburgh, PA<\/A>; Portland, ME<\/A>; Paterson, NJ<\/A>; Portland, OR<\/A>; Salt Lake City, UT<\/A>; Sonoma County, CA<\/A>; St. Louis, MO<\/A>; Tampa, FL<\/A>; Virginia Beach/Williamsburg, VA<\/A>; Washington, DC<\/A>; and Woodbine, IA<\/A>.", "mapName": "ESTIMATED TREE COVER IN 50M STREAM AND LAKE BUFFER (PERCENT)", "description": "Full Metadata<\/A> This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas (https://www.epa.gov/enviroatlas). This map estimates the percent tree cover within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters. It is not summarized by census block group. For specific information about methods used to develop data for each community, consult their individual metadata records: Austin, TX<\/A>; Birmingham, AL<\/A>; Baltimore, MD<\/A>; Brownsville, TX<\/A>; Chicago, IL<\/A>; Cleveland, OH<\/A>; Des Moines, IA<\/A>; Durham, NC<\/A>; Fresno, CA<\/A>; Green Bay, WI<\/A>; Los Angeles, CA<\/A>; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN<\/A>; Memphis, TN<\/A>; Milwaukee, WI<\/A>; New Bedford, MA<\/A>; New Haven, CT<\/A>; New York, NY<\/A>; Philadelphia, PA<\/A>; Phoenix, AZ<\/A>; Pittsburgh, PA<\/A>; Portland, ME<\/A>; Paterson, NJ<\/A>; Portland, OR<\/A>; Salt Lake City, UT<\/A>; Sonoma County, CA<\/A>; St. Louis, MO<\/A>; Tampa, FL<\/A>; Virginia Beach/Williamsburg, VA<\/A>; Washington, DC<\/A>; and Woodbine, IA<\/A>.", "copyrightText": "EnviroAtlas", "supportsDynamicLayers": true, "layers": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Estimated tree cover in 50m stream and lake buffer (percent)", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolyline", "supportsDynamicLegends": true } ], "tables": [], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 1.4892314192838538E8, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "singleFusedMapCache": false, "initialExtent": { "xmin": -1.3699575304100296E7, "ymin": 5905640.208363314, "xmax": -1.3537836846102374E7, "ymax": 6022167.2504816195, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 1.4892314192838538E8, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "fullExtent": { "xmin": -1.37516624148E7, "ymin": 2978964.4470999986, "xmax": -7802099.7787, "ymax": 6008243.3323, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 1.4892314192838538E8, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "datesInUnknownTimezone": false, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "units": "esriMeters", "supportedImageFormatTypes": "PNG32,PNG24,PNG,JPG,DIB,TIFF,EMF,PS,PDF,GIF,SVG,SVGZ,BMP", "documentInfo": { "Title": "ESTIMATED TREE COVER IN 50M STREAM AND LAKE BUFFER (PERCENT)", "Author": "", "Comments": "Full Metadata<\/A> This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas (https://www.epa.gov/enviroatlas). This map estimates the percent tree cover within 50 meters of hydrologically connected non-coastal waters. It is not summarized by census block group. For specific information about methods used to develop data for each community, consult their individual metadata records: Austin, TX<\/A>; Birmingham, AL<\/A>; Baltimore, MD<\/A>; Brownsville, TX<\/A>; Chicago, IL<\/A>; Cleveland, OH<\/A>; Des Moines, IA<\/A>; Durham, NC<\/A>; Fresno, CA<\/A>; Green Bay, WI<\/A>; Los Angeles, CA<\/A>; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN<\/A>; Memphis, TN<\/A>; Milwaukee, WI<\/A>; New Bedford, MA<\/A>; New Haven, CT<\/A>; New York, NY<\/A>; Philadelphia, PA<\/A>; Phoenix, AZ<\/A>; Pittsburgh, PA<\/A>; Portland, ME<\/A>; Paterson, NJ<\/A>; Portland, OR<\/A>; Salt Lake City, UT<\/A>; Sonoma County, CA<\/A>; St. Louis, MO<\/A>; Tampa, FL<\/A>; Virginia Beach/Williamsburg, VA<\/A>; Washington, DC<\/A>; and Woodbine, IA<\/A>.", "Subject": "EnviroAtlas estimated percent of tree cover within 50m stream and lake buffer for EnviroAtlas communities.", "Category": "", "Version": "2.9.0", "AntialiasingMode": "Fast", "TextAntialiasingMode": "Force", "Keywords": "EnviroAtlas,estimated tree cover in 50m stream and lake buffer" }, "supportsQueryDomains": true, "capabilities": "Query,Map,Data", "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "exportTilesAllowed": false, "referenceScale": 0.0, "datumTransformations": [ { "geoTransforms": [ { "wkid": 108190, "latestWkid": 108190, "transformForward": false, "name": "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983" } ] }, { "geoTransforms": [ { "wkid": 108190, "latestWkid": 108190, "transformForward": true, "name": "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983" } ] } ], "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "archivingInfo": {"supportsHistoricMoment": false}, "supportsClipping": true, "supportsSpatialFilter": true, "supportsTimeRelation": true, "supportsQueryDataElements": true, "mapUnits": {"uwkid": 9001}, "maxRecordCount": 1000, "maxImageHeight": 4096, "maxImageWidth": 4096, "supportedExtensions": "" }